10:47 PM

Server ArchLord Arisen Offline cài sẵn trên máy ảo

ArchLord is a f2p fantasy themed MMORPG that holds a unique competitive premise for gamers: the opportunity to rise to become the game world’s supreme ruler. Throughout this epic quest-based role-playing title set in the game world’s Middle Ages, every month one player will gain control of the world and with it the opportunity to wreak havoc as they are crowned supreme ArchLord.

Set in the world of Chantra, this game is an epic fantasy mix, featuring lush in game graphics and a soft sensual soundtrack brilliantly scored by the London Symphony Orchestra. ArchLord brings together all the elements that make MMOs so enjoyable but with a unique hook, the chance to rule the in game world and with it receive a range of benefits.
Đồ nghề cần để chiến game này
Pass giải nén : tuan565
ID login Win : Tuan565
Pass đăng nhập win : mbnq
Pass SQL : password
Account vào game có sẵn :
ID : mbnq
Pass : mbnq
hoặc ID : tuan564 , tuan565 , tuan566 pass 123456
Pass giải nén : tuan565
3.Video hướng dẫn 

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